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发布时间:2010-07-16 字体大小 T |T









Dear Zhibiao and Fujiang

I wanted to let you know just much we appreciated our visit to China this year and especially the time we spent as guests of Lanzhou University. As usual, you had our time with you planned out very well down to the smallest detail. Our students, as well as Dr. Akers, Marge, and I, enjoyed our time with you. Please convey again our thanks to your students for the time that they spent with us and especially for the evening show. It just seems to get better each year as they invest so much of themselves into our visit. Also, please thank the other faculty members and administrators there at Lanzhou who helped with our visit.

The modifications to the agenda through the Hexi Corridor made the trip more efficient and enjoyable. The visit to Hexi University and their animal facility was very informative. As you might know we are in discussions with Hexi University relative to an exchange program. The students really enjoyed all of the venues we visited through the Hexi Corridor. They also enjoyed the camel ride and sand sledding?a nice component toward the end of that part of the trip. Incidentally, the hotel we stayed in there in Dunhuang was the favorite one of the entire trip for all of us. The backdrop of the desert really added to the landscape of the hotel.

Again, I just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate all of your efforts on our behalf and how pleased we are with our exchange arrangement.

Best wishes,
